Curriculum overview

The demand for increased performance in modern computing systems has not diminished in spite of slowing down of Moore’s law. With ever-increasing complexity of workloads, the demand for increased performance from a computational system cannot be met only through isolated advances in device technology, circuit design, or system-level design decisions.

Therefore, it is important that the future graduates:

  1. understand the performance requirements of complex systems under various operational constraints,
  2. understand different components and design abstractions that contribute towards building complex systems, and
  3. apply this understanding to improve state-of-the-art in System-on-Chip (SoC) design.

This curriculum is designed to meet these objectives and produce graduates with expertise at the intersection of devices, circuits and systems. At the end of this program, a student would be able to appreciate and apply advances made across domains to design better SoCs.

Core Courses (Theory): Advanced Computer Architecture, VLSI design, Nanoelectronics for Circuits & Systems.

Core Courses (Lab): Advanced Computer Architecture Lab, Programming Lab, System on Chip Design Lab.

Electives: AI for cybersecurity, Cryptography, VLSI Architectures for Signal Processing and Machine Learning, Digital Verification and Testing, Nanoelectronic Devices, Analog Integrated Circuits, RF and Microwave Passive Circuits, Digital Image Processing, RF and Microwave Active Circuits, Principles and Design of Microelectromechanical System, CAD for VLSI, Multirate Signal Processing


  • Semester I: Total credits: 15
  • Semester II: Total credits: 15. “Mini Project” is intended to give a student an early start into the major project, knowledge transfer from seniors, and hands-on experience in using tool-chains, experimental set-up. Therefore, based on the interest of a student, this could be a directed reading into a topic, a seminar, or an open-ended project. It is called “Mini project” for lack of a better title.
  • Semester III: Total credits: 15.
  • Semester IV: Total credits: 18.

Semester I

Code Course Title Category
EE5011 VLSI design PMT
EE5009 Nanoelectronics for Circuits & Systems PMT
CS5019 Advanced Computer Architecture PMT
CS5119 Advanced Computer Architecture Lab PMP
CS5107 Programming Lab PML
GN5000 Communication and Technical Writing Skills IDC

Semester II

Code Course Title Category
CS5120 SoC Design Lab PMP
  Professional Elective 1 PME
  Professional Elective 2 PME
  Professional Elective 3 PME
  Professional Elective 4 PME
SD5190 Mini Project PME

Semester III

Code Course Title Category
  Professional Elective 5 PME
SD5110 M.Tech thesis/Project Phase 1 PMP

Semester IV

Code Course Title Category
SD5120 Professional Elective 5 PMP

Category-wise Summary

Code Category Description Credits
PMT Program Major Theory (Lecture based core courses) 10
PML Program Major Practise (Lab+Project/internship based core courses) 32
PME Program Major Elective (Electives courses from program pool) 15
OE Open Electives (Any post-graduate course) 0
IDC Interdisciplinary Course 0
  Total 57