MTech in Computing and Mathematics is an interdisciplinary program that is jointly offered by the CSE and Mathematics disciplines from 2020. The deep connection between Computing and Mathematics has been long recognised. The MTech in Computing and Mathematics program is designed to address the increasing demand for individuals with expertise in both these areas. A highlight of this program is that both CS and Math students come together. This creates a unique peer-learning environment.
The program offers a mix of computer science and mathematics /courses that together cover the fundamentals of computation. The program culminates with a year long project where the student gets an opportunity to apply the various mathematical tools and techniques learnt. This will enable them to pursue careers in academia and industry which involve non-trivial applications of mathematics in computer science.
A unique mix of computer science and mathematics courses that together cover the fundamentals of computation.
An opportunity for diverse peer learning with students from Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology and Mathematics backgrounds.
A carefully chosen mix of computer science and mathematics courses that will engage students from both CS and Math backgrounds.

- To be eligible for the regular category of admission, candidates must possess
- a valid GATE score in CS/MA and
- either a four year bachelors degree in STEM (Sciences/ Technology/ Engineering/ Mathematics) or a masters degree in Sciences / Mathematics.
- To be eligible for other categories of admission where a GATE score is not mandatory as per the institute regulations (such as sponsored category, CFTI degree holders etc.), candidates must posess one of the following.
- a four years bachelors degree in Engineering/Technology in Computer Science and Engineering / Information Technology
- a four year bacherlors degree with Mathematics as a major
- a masters degree in Mathematics
Curriculum overview and Syllabi
Latest curriculum (2024) and syllabi are available here. The 2020 curriculum is available here.
How to Apply ?
Please visit the application portal for brochure, fees and related details.
See here for placement statistics of this program.